So, I'm reading through Matthew right now (pathetically, I made the plan to read through the entire New Testament at the beginning of the year, and I am currently about to finish Matthew...), and I've been struck by Jesus' attitude towards the Pharisees. If Jesus is the hero of the story (and He is), than the Pharisees are the evil characters. In fact, my pastor said just this past Sunday that anytime the NT says "and then the Pharisees said...", it should always be followed by an ominous "Dun-dun-DUHHH...." Jesus generally had some very harsh things to say to them. This was particularly the case in Matthew 23, where He really let them have it. As I read it, though, it struck me that the Pharisees most likely sincerely thought their way was the right way. Now, they were sincerely wrong, but they didn't know that. They took great pride in knowing and interpreting the law, and they didn't realize that what they were doing- this policing of the people- was not what God had called them to do.
Jesus refers to the Pharisees as "white-washed graves", meaning their exterior is clean and well-kept, but on the inside they are, well, messy. They had the appearance of knowing everything there was to know about God (and they probably believed that was actually true), but when confronted with Him face to face, they were so caught up in their own "acts of worship" that they totally missed Him. He didn't fit into their box.
At first, I would be tempted to roll my eyes and wonder how in the world they could be so caught up in themselves that they missed GOD...but then, I pause. How often am I just a white-washed grave? I'm one of those people who likes to appear as though I have it all together- and my biggest fear is being found out. Because, truth be told, I don't. Especially in my walk with the Lord. I battle for motivation to spend time with Him. I'm self-centered and prideful, prone to envy and lacking in self-control. But, when I walk through the doors of a church...when I volunteer my time and services...when I go about my daily life- I do my best to look like I've got it together. And often I achieve my goal... But, in so many ways, I'm a white-washed grave. Same as the Pharisees. Sincerely thinking I have it all figured out- and missing Christ in the process.
Truthfully, in the midst of all my busy serving, worshiping, and worrying... I just don't expect to see Him show up- which is crazy because isn't He the reason for all the serving and worshiping? Just like the Pharisees didn't expect Him to appear, riding on a donkey, hanging out with hookers and robbers- I don't really look for Him in the so-called "worshipful busyness" of my days. As I come to this realization, I am again confronted with my desperate, constant need for His grace. And I am so thankful for His Word- and how a passage I've read again and again can teach me exactly what I need to know for this time in my life.
I don't want to be a white-washed grave. I want to know Him, not just to serve Him for the sake of serving. I want to see Him when He's near me. To recognize His love and mercy, and in that love- go forward and serve others. Because, at the end of the day, that's what the Pharisees missed every time. Love.
Ephesians 3:17-19