Okay, so you know in all of those fictional books where it talks about singles groups and the kinds of people in them? There's always a scary, socially awkward, older female character who is "in charge"of the group. Generally she walks around with a clipboard getting people to sign up for things, making sure snacks are provided, and basically coordinating humiliating activities that no one in their right minds would participate in (for example: Coffee and Christian Karaoke Night). That is honestly my biggest fear in life. I'm absolutely terrified of being "the crazy clipboard lady". I mean, seriously, I coordinate all of the events for my singles group and I definitely provide food on Sunday mornings! There's not much separating me from "crazy-singleforareason-clipboard-lady"! I mean, yes, I am younger (not for long), and yes, I have better style (thanks to InStyle Magazine), but what if all of that changes?? Please, as my friends, if you start to see my fears being realized-- do the kind thing and take away the clipboard.
1 comment:
WOW Evie.. I'm getting ready to subscribe to your blog.. unbelievable and understandable.. very very understandable. I try to believe, as I hope most single-people do, that we're just passing-through single-life.. However, and unfortunately, a study on demographics in the state of THIS state will show your fears to be valid ones.. SOME people will not marry. I could be one of those "men"! :) I don't want to be. I believe marriage is a blessing straight from God's mighty right hand. I'd bet everything I own that you're not going to be single long.. As I don't know you well at all, but well enough to think.. she's shaking her head in a slightly "cynical motion" or saying.. YEAH RIGHT!! :) God's surely aware of "OUR" fears.. if someone (even "strong-believers") tells you through word, or action they don't have similar fears, they are lying. There is nothing "re-assuring" about consistently being alone.. I've tried and tried to force HIS hand during my days.. I've lost so much contentment and joy during my years because of the "lack-of" a relationship.. I chased one female, that although not married to her, felt as a friend described it, like a "divorce without papers".. the relationship between another fallen human-being had become my God.. before her, the desire for "someone" was likely an idol. I believe that "my wholeness in Him" will benefit greatly the woman that gets stuck with me. I was counseled to try and do the things now that you simply CAN'T do when you're married. I do try to heed their advice, but it's very difficult. The relationship's that don't workout just take too big of a piece-of-me with them, although I've never had many. I believe your future is so bright from what I know, and envision. Our joy, even while single, and NOT KNOWING what the future holds has to be made complete in Christ alone.. I am preaching to myself, please believe that. Hang in there, and believe me, you're the most popular and admired single-lady with a clipboard I've ever been around. People (desperate people that need Jesus) really and intensely need those events that "WE" try to maintain. Persevere, as will I.. as the Lord leads (and my prayer is that ONLY then) will any single-Christian EVER marry another one. If that is the "order of things", it WILL be a magnificent event and one that will bring glory to God for the rest of their days. hang in there! :)
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