Thursday, July 8, 2010

Summer Musings...

So, being that I have immense amounts of free time right now, I have plenty of time to ponder life's great questions. Not that I'm doing that- but I have time to if I want to! Anyway, here are some random things that I have discovered about myself this summer...
  • Donald Miller is my new favorite author. Seriously, why didn't I listen to all of those people who told me I would love him (sorry mom!)? So far I've read Father Fiction (amazing) and Blue Like Jazz (I laughed, I cried...I laughed again). I have no idea why I never read anything by him before. He's funny, honest, and really wants to live a life that honors God. And what I really like about him is rather than telling other people how they can get it together, he brings us along on his journey as he attempts to get it together. I've decided that if we lived on the same side of the country, and we had a means of meeting, we would definitely be friends.
  • After watching endless episodes of Ace of Cakes, I have decided I need to: learn to be a cake decorator, move to Baltimore, work at Charm City Cakes, be best friends with Mary Alice, and marry Geof (he's such a cutie! A dead pan, dry-humor kind of cute).
  • I love having time to have full and complete conversations with God any time of day. Usually at work I start talking to God about something, and then get distracted. When I get home from work I can't even put a complete sentence together, and I find I have the same problem at 5:30am- the time I usually wake up. I love being able to stop wherever I am, whatever I'm doing, and talk to God about concerns or discover things He's been trying to tell me for awhile.
  • I really, really, really want a dog. It's bad. And this is a problem because I don't have the money for one at all. I also want a bigger dog, which isn't exactly conducive to apartment living. Oh well, maybe one day...
  • I am a blessed girl. I have a Father in Heaven who loves me, and who pushes me to reach my potential and use my gifts for His glory. I have been blessed with amazing friends and family who love the Lord and teach me about Him every day. I have a comfortable and beautiful home- with working air conditioning!
  • I am again reminded that to whom much is given much is expected. I don't know exactly how that will look in my life in the future- but I definitely feel the Lord prodding me towards bigger and better things. And I am excited about the future.
I know this post is rather uninteresting, but that's all I can come up with now... All in all, summer is my favorite time of year. Warm weather, getting to sleep in, spending time with friends and loved ones, reading to my hearts content, these are a few of my favorite things... I will love it while I can, because the school year will be upon me before I can blink!

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