Tuesday, December 21, 2010


2010. Possibly one of the most joy-filled and pain-filled years of my life. So much has changed- and yet none of those changes are particularly obvious to anyone but me. It has been a year of immense growth. A painful stretching of myself and my understanding of God. So what's different? What have I learned?

God doesn't change. I know that this is not a new concept- it's something that I've always known about God. But this year, more than any other in my life, has been one that has made me appreciate His constancy. The idea of Him being my Rock and my Fortress has never been so real, or so desperately needed as it has been this year. He stays the same. His love doesn't change. His goodness does not waver. For me, this year has been up and down, back and forth, high and low...and I have found myself clinging to His solid foundation.

I am dearly loved. By a God who allowed His son to be tortured for my rescue, by a family that cheers for me, by friends who would do anything for me. I know that this love has always been present, but when I was drowning in my circumstances- this love was the life-boat I needed to get through each moment. Thank you, dear ones, for your constant love. I have needed it more desperately this year than any other I have experienced.

Despite my many (many) faults, flaws, and failures, God has a plan for me. I'm not going to lie, this one is still very difficult for me to swallow. But it's the truth whether my heart believes it or not- and I tell myself that truth as much as possible so that hopefully, one day soon, I will be able to live daily in the joy and victory I've been given.

So, why am I telling you all of this? Maybe, through my story, you can find a little hope in your hard circumstances too. The truths that I have discovered this year are just as true for you- God is the only constant in life, you are dearly loved (maybe it doesn't feel like it- but you are), and our Father has a great plan for you.

1 comment:

Julie said...

thanks for this, evie. it really encourages my heart today. i love you!